Day 4: Pray

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

Mark 1:35

There is a song that speaks deep into my soul. It’s a Negro spiritual, focused on the following refrain:

If Jesus had to pray, what about me?

Alternately, I was browsing through photos of church sign slogans in America and saw one clever message:

Seven days without prayer makes one weak

Prayer is essential. Without it, you are neglecting an opportunity to receive the Holy Spirit for the day. With the Spirit, we are convicted, advised, dissuaded and admonished. We can make better decisions, change our attitude from the day before. Of course, it is no magic spell, and even after praying for the Spirit, it can take some time before you listen to His advice, but it is one of the ways that we can really see some moral and spiritual changes in our lives.

Prayer is a great way to speak to God and confess all the concerns and anxieties you have about life. Jesus experienced many of things that we endure today, so He can understand and listen to us. In a world that doesn’t stop spinning, prayer time is a perfect way to step out of the rat race and meditate, focus on things that are much higher than us. If you have plans for your life and goals you want to achieve, why not consult with God? He is there to listen.