Day 5: Counsel

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety

Proverbs 11:14

They say that no man is an island. Despite the affirmation that “I was born alone, so I’ll die alone”, it is difficult to traverse through life without help and guidance from friends and family. All great businesses flourish as a result of numbers: you are more likely to get fresh ideas, see new perspectives, and lighten the burden with more people chipping in to help. Steve Jobs was nothing without Steve Wozniak, and Jeff Bezos would not have Amazon today if his then wife, MacKenzie, hadn’t drafted the business plan and given the idea for the actual name of the website. We need people to help us.

The safety in numbers ethos is echoed in the scripture above. Without advice and guidance, we are less likely to be successful. A popular phrase of the day is to “move in silence”. If you have major life plans, you might want to keep it to yourself to avoid discouragement, naysayers, and the pressure of having people constantly questioning your progress; on the other hand, sharing ideas with people you can trust, who might have already walked the path you plan to embark upon and who can give some much needed help, will only be a benefit to you in the long run. Don’t make things harder by isolating yourself; in all things, seek help.

Some people find accountability partners to be a great help. When they want to remain consistent, either with exercise, abstinence, or bible study, an accountability partner can offer assistance, pray, or have regular “check-ups” to ensure the set goals are being met. This is just one of many ways that a counsellor can help you on your journey of consistency.